The HorizoN technology gives you the power and flexibility to reduce wait times, costs and risks of your aerospace, defence, commercial, industrial and communication initiatives.
HorizoN played a very important role in several international projects, such as VASER, SHADE or MAMMI. Check all the features of this product and let HorizoN take you to another level of real time 3D visualisation.
HorizoN Scene Graph SDK
The HorizoN Scene Graph SDK from Virtual Angle BV is a powerful object-oriented developer toolkit that reduces development time and accelerates the performance of interactive real-time visual simulation and 3D graphics application.
It is a comprehensive 3D graphics toolkit, which provides features and functions that are available only as add-on modules in other development API. Rapid and reliable, the HorizoN Scene Graph SDK develops high performance applications with minimum cost and maximum productivity and flexibility. Developers choose HorizoN for its flexibility, affordability and superior real-time performance.
The HorizoN Scene Graph 1.1 is available for Windows, Linux and UNIX. Including support for anaglyphic stereo (i.e. red/green or red/cyan glasses), quad buffered stereo (i.e. active stereo using shutter glasses, or passive stereo using polarized projectors & glasses) and horizontal and vertical split window stereo implementations.